Telos Initiative - Ruins
Link to world

The search for answers... world may not function for late joiners.
Written: April 12 2023
I found this world yesterday while I was bored and searching random tags. I was browsing the "hidden" tag when I stumbled upon a TI world, so I had to check it out. I was personally surprised that I had never been there before, especially since I had already visited Axiomus's other worlds. The world seems to be a part of the Telos Initiative and its narrative, but I am not too familiar with all their lore (sorry, Intelligencer, if you're somehow reading this lol). However, the general gist of the world is Zelator's mission to the "ruins," which is explained through various notes.

Past the shed, there is a flag with the sigil of one of the members (although I'm not sure whose) and a rock that you can lift to reveal another note. The note mentions underground lairs and the disappearance of Axiomus and six other members. Past that, you'll find the ruins containing the seventh note about Zelator and how they seem to be going insane, dying of hypothermia.

Beyond that is a bunker with a code (which, sadly, I don't know), referenced in the second note. When I stuck my head through it, all I saw was a bright light, but most likely, you need to input a code for it to load. According to note #2, the code is somewhere in the ruins, so I may check later (and update this page if I don't forget). Nonetheless, I do recommend that you go and check out the world for yourself! Even if you're not interested in the story, the world itself is really nice to look at.